Tom James Company - Luxury Clothing Careers

Control Your Income
and Career Path

Direct sales is the perfect career if you want to control your income. It’s also a perfect career if you do not want others controlling your career path. At Tom James, you control what matters most and as you build the successful career you want.

Launch Your Sales Career

Build a Strong Foundation

All Tom James sales professionals build their own businesses where they have complete control.

A huge part of building any business is taking ownership of the behaviors and knowing the expectations required to make that business successful.

Over 50 years of direct sales, Tom James has developed a set of behaviors that we know lead to success. This game plan includes prospecting, sales calls, skill development, customer service and much more. If you want a six-figure income, we can show you exactly what you have to do every day to reach that goal.

Especially in your first year, you will have a plan as well as training, support and mentoring designed to build the foundation for your sales business. The training includes a combination of classroom and small-group sessions so everything you need to know about selling, the product catalog, measurement and serving customers. You control how fast and how well you build that foundation.



"Coming from over five years background working in corporate retail where I learned politics and hierarchy was very important to moving up the corporate ladder, I was pleasantly surprised by how genuinely supportive everyone at Tom James is. Everyone truly wants to help you succeed, and this is the first time where my colleagues have become some of my best friends."

Tom James of San Francisco


"I wanted a career that I could come into and work every day to be the best version of myself. At Tom James, the income, monthly bonuses, and incentive trips I earn are a direct reflection of the hard work I put in every day."

Tom James of Atlanta


"I love the people at Tom James - everyone genuinely cares for you and wants you to be successful. Thanks to Tom James, I have traveled the world every year since 2012 in first-class style on sales incentive trips and have built lifelong friendships with the people on those trips!"

Tom James of Greenville


"I wasn’t even able to match a tie to a shirt before I started. Now a few years in, I’ve traveled all over the world mostly on the company's dime and have grown personally and financially more than I ever thought possible. This career can change your life if you want it to."

Tom James of Atlanta


"I'm a single mom with two boys. Tom James has allowed me to have my own home, pay for my boys to be in extra curricular activities, and build my work schedule around their ever evolving school/sport schedules all while building long-term net worth. At Tom James, I can quite literally have my cake and eat it too."

Tom James of Orlando

Invest In What Matters Most

Earn Control Over Your Schedule

Everything at Tom James is earned based on your sales performance. As you build you a client base and sales, you earn rewards and opportunities, including incentives, sales, trips, leadership, and more.

For many partners, earning the freedom to control their schedules is a big incentive. A good book of repeat customers – which you control and build – requires less time and effort.  You decide how to invest that resulting free time.

Some invest their additional free time prospecting more customers to maximize their income opportunity through a singular sales focus. Others decide to spend more time with family. Many choose coaching and mentoring new sales professionals through leadership as their priority.

Whatever is most important to you is important to us.

Young businessman smiling and changing stations on his car radio while driving through the city during his morning commute to work
senior tailor standing in front of mirror at sewing workshop
Reward Your Drive

Only Limit Is Your Ambition

Your ambition to find and serve customers is the only ceiling or limit you will ever experience throughout your career at Tom James.

We have big goals for the company. We want to reach $1 billion in sales and those goals require partners with ambition to sell, to grow, to lead, and to shape the future. Everything about our business is designed to celebrate ambition and how much you want to invest in a job that will invest so much in you.

And it doesn’t matter if you and another partner share the same ambitions. Our business model does not depend on two sales professionals competing for a goal, a promotion, or an opportunity where one wins and the other loses. We want every sales professional to earn every reward and every opportunity possible.

Ready to Apply?

We have job openings available nationwide.